EMMD - Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials and Devices

EMMD (Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials and Devices) research activities are devoted to molecular materials, from molecules to materials and from materials to devices. Electrochemical techniques are used to synthesize, to immobilize and to detect chemical or biological species. The synthetic aspect relates to the synthesis and functionalization of macrocycles (porphyrins, phthalocyanines…) and polymers. The analytical aspect 1) exploits the redox properties of compounds or sensitive layers (biomaterials, conducting polymers, charge-transfer complexes, …) for the characterization and the detection of biomolecules or chemical pollutants in sensor devices; 2) to apprehend reaction mechanism of molecular processes. Our projects are focused on applications in the fields of environment, health and food industry.

CATTEY Hélène Voir la fiche profil en français Français (FR)

  • CATTEY Hélène
  • Statut : Assistant Professor
  • Team : OCS
  • Function : Researchers
  • Tags : Structural chemistry, Theoretical chemistry
  • ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4416-7510
  • Researcher ID : www.researchgate.net/profile/Helene-Cattey
  • Scopus Author ID : 6603190734
  • Address :

    ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
    Bât. MIRANDE - Aile B - Bureau B-105B
    9 Avenue Alain Savary
    21000 Dijon - France

  • Tél : (+33) 380 393 665
  • helene.cattey@u-bourgogne.fr

Since 2005: Structural determination by X-ray diffraction of single crystals

1999-2005: Electrosynthesis and organometallic electrochemistry

Since 1999: Assistant Professor, Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy (ICMUB) CNRS UMR6302, Dijon, France

1998-1999: Post-doctoral researcher (Center for Research on Materials at High Temperatures, UPR4212, Orléans in partnership with ALCATEL
1997-1998: Assistant Lecturer (University of Franche-Comté)

1994-1997: Ph. D., University of Franche-Comté, Molecular Chemistry and Electrochemistry Laboratory under the direction of Pierre Audebert (Allocataire de recherche MESR) partnership with the Laboratory of Molecular Electrochemistry, Paris VII (P. Hapiot), the Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory, Paris VI (C. Sanchez) Paris VI (C. Sanchez) and the National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research (ONERA) Chatillon (A.J. Attias)

1993-1994: DEA de Physical Chemistry (University of Franche-Comté)

1991-1992: Bachelor of Science of Chemistry (Polytechnic d’Huddersfield)

My research activity, focuses on structural determination but also on the analysis of the reactivity of complexes and their mode of coordination.
Within the ICMUB (Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy), I am involved in several projects (ANR, Region, PHC) led by SEM (Molecular Synthesis, Environment and Materials) department members of this unit (before the OCS and EMMD teams).
I also develop national and international scientific collaborations (see list of publications).

135 publications: 32 publications Q1, 45 publi Q2, 31 publi Q3, 27 publi Q4

Publications since 2020: link

Approx 200h in IUT, License and Master: TD, TP and CM

Mainly in Master CAC "Contrôles et Analyses Chimiques" (co-teaching manager)
and in Master QESIS "Qualité, Environnement et Sécurité dans l'Industrie et les Services"

  • 1st year of Master (30%)
    Analytical Chemistry ; Measurements and uncertainties ; Technological risks (radiation protection)
  • 2nd year of Master (20%)
    Analytical Chemistry ; Sampling and preliminary treatments
  • IUT : Biological Engineering (32%)
    General and organic chemistry ; Analytical techniques
  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (18%)
    General Chemsitry ; electrochemistry ; Interdisciplinarity (PIX)
  • Tutoring, follow-up of internships in initial training and work-study, VAE
  • Structural determination of organometallic compounds
  • Analysis of the associated reactivity of these molecules and their mode of coordination
  • Electrochemical studies 


  • Single crystals analysis: Diffractometer Bruker Nonius Kappa APEX II (CDD / Sealed tube Mo) and Bruker D8 Venture (Photon III C7 / microfocus IµS 3.0 Ag / sealed tube Cu high brilliance microfocus)
  • Since 2006Person Competent in Radiation protection (PCR) for the ICMUB Diffractometers / co-manager for the single crystals analysis : Single crystals analysis : Diffractometer Bruker Nonius Kappa APEX II (CDD / Sealed tube Mo) and Bruker D8 Venture (CMOS / sealed tube Mo with Triumph monochromator / sealed tube Cu high brilliance microfocus) ; Powder analysis : Diffractometer Theta - 2 Theta Panalytical Empyrean


  • Since 2022Referent "Parity, non-discriminatory tratment and prevention of violence" of ICMUB
  • Since 2022: Co-referent Handicap of the UFR Sciences et Techniques
  • Since 2023: Co-teaching manager of the first year of Master "Contrôles et Analyses Chimiques" of the University of Burgundy
    2009-2018: Head of the first year of Master "Contrôles et Analyses Chimiques" of the University of Burgundy
  • Since 2003Elected member of the ICMUB Institute Council


  • 2019-2023: Member of the National University Council (CNU) section 32