Miss Asmae Bousfiha (University of Burgundy, Dijon)
Friday 11 December 2020 - 09:00Friday 11 December 2020 - 13:00
Salle Jean Tirouflet (E-101) - Bâtiment Mirande
Asmae Bousfiha, Asmae.Bousfiha@u-bourgogne.fr ; Charles Devillers, charles.devillers@u-bourgogne.fr
Plus d'infos :
Miss Asmae Bousfiha (ICMUB, team EMMD, University of Burgundy) will be defending her thesis entitled: "Inter- and Intramolecular Anodic Nucleophilic Substitutions of Porphyrins. Reactivity of the resulting products".
Cover page & abstract